The sample project titled “Housing and Infrastructural distribution in the Molyko sector”, saw the employment of Objective, Methodology and Results. To begin with, the objective was to know the housing distribution structure compared to the previous result found at the Regional Delegation of Housing and Urban Development, Southwest Region Cameroon. Alongside its infrastructures such as road etc. With regards to the methodology used in this project; two phases were employed, that is the Data collection phase and the Data analysis face. Tools used within the methodology include; Garmin GPS, Satellite Image, Arcgis and Envi software respectively. Result obtained was a production of two cartographic maps which had to do with the housing and infrastructural development maps of the Molyko sector.
The project Housing Distribution in the Molyko Sector of Buea had two phases of methodology; that is Data collection and Data Analysis.
Data collection
This methodology employed the use of a Satellite Image (2021) and a Garmin GPS. The GPS was use in the tracking of streams within the Sector and collections of some major points and localities within the Molyko sector such as road junctions, water catchment, hospitals, schools and telecommunication pools.
The Satellite image was used to carry out two key activities, being; the confirmation of the coordinates collected from the field (Ground Truthing) and also for the vectorization of the buildings within the Molyko sector of Buea.
Date Analysis
This phase of the project employes the use of geospatial software analysis such as Arcgis and Envi. Arcgis software help in the vectorization of all the buildings within the Molyko sector of Buea and equally in the convention of Kml coordinates to shapefile for easy analysis and representation. Envi on the order hand was used to obtain the Land use characteristics within the Molyko sector. Finally, Arcgis was used in assembling of all the different data and production of the different maps.
Housing Distribution Statistics
A total number of Five thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-one (5,971) buildings were successfully identified and vectorized within the entire Molyko sector. Off the said number of buildings, four thousand Six hundred and Ninety-eight buildings are found within the zone marked for restructuring or modification which covers a surface area of 258.59 hectares. While a total of Seven hundred and Forty-eight (748) buildings are found in the newly created Molyko New lay Out. One hundred and seventy-four buildings were identified as buildings belonging to the University of Buea alongside FHS campus.
Road Network Statistics
With regards to the road network, four categories of roads were identified within the Molyko sector, that is; Primary Road, Secondary Road, newly laid out street and unlaid out street. Primary road covers a distance of 11.17km, secondary road identified in this case is the untarred Malingo stretch of road leading to Small Soppo which has once been tarred but today in a very deplorable state covers a distance of 1.7km within the Molyko sector. With regards to the streets, a total of 17.67km was recorded for new laid out streets and a total of 7.87km for unlaid out streets, of which none of the streets within the sector is tarred as of today.
S/N |
Type of Road |
Distance in Km |
01 |
Primary Roads |
11.17km |
02 |
Secondary Roads |
1.7km |
03 |
Newly Laid Out Roads |
17.67km |
04 |
Unlaid Out Roads |
7.87km |
- The redistribution and maintenance of traffic lights within the sector will help control traffic congestion
- The tarring and linking of the Untarred Malingo stretch of road to that of Bulu leading to Sandpit will be a great effort to traffic reduction within the sector
- The tarring of major streets within the Molyko Newlay-out will be of importance to traffic flow and development within the Molyko Sector
- The restructuring of the Limbe quarter, Untarred Malingo, Tarred Malingo and Dirty south areas which fall within the zones for restructuring will be of good use to the planning and developmental aspect of the sector.